Albums of the Year 2024
Check out our full album of the year collection here, our favourite albums of the year. Handpicked by us from all the new music we listened to this year, we hope you find your next favourite album on this list! Presented in alphabetical order so as to limit the amount of arguments in the office.
A Certain Ratio - It All Comes Down to This
Picked by Paul
For a band who have been going for 40 years releasing music consistently throughout it may seem rash to call their latest album their best album, but it's undoubtedly in the conversation. Full of their famous guitar chank and offbeat drumming the album is perfectly balanced as lyrically it can be dark and reflective whilst musically it's light and funky it's a perfect reminder to never consider ACR out.
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Wild God
Picked by Joe
Speaking of prolific artists, maybe none more so than Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, and they've undoubtedly done it again. Wild God is an astounding work, reflective of a pained life but also filled with joy, it's a reminder that joy and sorrow aren't mutually exclusive. Both stadium-filling and intimate in sound, it's both what you'd expect and not expect from one of the most acclaimed songwriters in history.
Common & Pete Rock - The Auditorium Vol. 1
Picked by Justin
The coming together of an all-time great producer and MC was really only going to go one way and it's a sensational album that holds a candle to rap's classic traditions. Full of mesmerising word play, soulful samples and old school beats it's an album that harks back to the past whilst keeping up with modern hip-hop. A kindly reminder that sometimes the old ways are still the best.
The Cure - Songs of a Lost World
Picked by Justin & Joe
There's a theme this year of legends of their respective genres coming out with groundbreaking material, and The Cure are no exception. Their first album in 16 years had a lot of weight on its shoulders and it delivers in spades. It sounds like both The Cure and like nothing that's come before it - atmospheric, dark but hopeful and reflective, if we have to wait another 16 years at least we have this to keep us company!
Anna Erhard - Botanical Garden
Picked by Justin & Joe
We've been obsessed with the title track for a long time and were overjoyed when the album came out. It dances the line between being playful, bubbly and laugh out loud funny without venturing in to being cringey or silly. Perfect feet tapping music without being afraid of a sudden left turn in to being different and weird.
Ezra Collective - Dance, No One's Watching
Picked by Justin & Paul
After being the first jazz band to win the Mercury Prize in 2022 there was undoubtedly a lot of pressure on the Ezra Collective on their follow up, but you wouldn't guess it from listening to it. Jazz with latin, soul and afrobeat influences, it's got songs that will make you want to dance and others that will have you simply nodding your head, it's a special record from a truly special band.
Father John Misty - Mahashmashana
Picked by Joe
You never know quite what you're going to get with Father John Misty and that has never been more true than with Mahashmashana. A wildly varied album that encompasses his whole career as well as still producing songs that you wouldn't expect. Funky rock, orchestral & folk Father John Misty has once again produced something truly exceptional.
Nubya Garcia - Odyssey
Picked by Chris & Joe
It's incredible that Odyssey is only Nubya Garcias second studio album, it's daring and imaginative with inspirations far beyond her years. It's an album that demands concentration but one that definitely warrants it. You'll find something new with every listen, an album for hardened jazz fans and those who have only dipped their toes. And if you're in the latter group, Odyssey will probably make you jump in.
Beth Gibbons - Lives Outgrown
Picked by Joe
Beth Gibbons has a lot of pedigree from Portishead, but this solo effort is one of her finest as an artist yet. The instrumentation is at one moment haunting and the next beautiful, lyrically and thematically there's grief with reflection. Filled with off kilter strings and horns whilst still being listenable it's no surprise this LIves Outgrown was nominated for the Mercury Prize, and would have been a worthy winner.
Ludivine Issambourg - Above the Laws
Picked by Chris
One of the most respected jazz flautists currently working, backed up by her having the legendary Brian Jackson playing with her. Above the law is perfect jazz-funk with a backing band that would be the envy of any musician. It's filled with 70's jazz funk inspiration that you would expect on the CTI label and demands to be heard.
Mannequin Pussy - I Got Heaven
Picked by Joe
Mannequin Pussy are unashamedly themselves and are from a class of rock that aren't interested in what anyone else is doing, and we're much better off because of it. The album is stadium filling sound-wise but somehow doesn't lose any of its edge or grungieness, an album that makes you want to go and buy a guitar and start a band.
Nubiyan Twist - Find Your Flame
Picked by Chris & Paul
Having Nile Rogers, corto.alto and Seun Kuti on your album is a good place to start when talking about how great a record it is. It's soul, jazz, hip-hop, grime and everything inbetween. An album bursting with ideas yet held together to sound coherent and like it all belongs on the same album. It's an album bursting with confidence and astounding musicianship, and rightfully so.
Tess Parks - Pomegranate
Picked by Justin
This is an album full of luscious soundscapes that take you to a place you won't want to leave. It's filled with joy and exuberance with cosmic sounding songs blended with husky vocals and shimmering instrumentation. It's filled with joy and reflection. The sort of album that's perfect for a lazy Sunday afternoon, it invites you to sink in to, and we would recommend accepting the invitation!
Lucy Rose - Dance, No One's Watching
Picked by Justin
Moving away from the folky sound of her last album, This Ain't The Way Out builds on her jazz influences she has hinted at before and echos Joni Mitchell's jazz experimentation era. Whilst still sounding quintessentially herself, the album is mainly piano led but with undercurrents of folk, Lucy Rose has never sounded so assured and confident in what she's doing
Nala Sinephro - Endlessness
Picked by Justin
To call Endlessness an ambient-jazz album seems like a dis-service. It undoubtedly is, but it's so much more than that. It's a 45 minute journey that you can truly sink in to, but it has details and instrumentation that should have your attention. It's like floating in a river which meanders and speeds up. You can shut your eyes and drift away, but you can also be awake and notice the intricacies. It's your choice!
The Smile - Wall of Eyes
Picked by Joe
The Smile members might be some of the hardest workers in music. Their first album of the year (Cutouts would have made the list but we thought 2 would be greedy), it has that typical Smile sound but with added weight from the help of orchestral arrangements and lots of overdubbing and layers - it shows this is far more than just a Radiohead side-project and can proudly stand on its own.
Waxahatchee - Tiger's Blood
Picked by Joe
Waxahatchee has been a favourite for quite some time but she has really found her groove and space in the past few years. Tigers Blood is the perfect follow-up to Saint Cloud, expanding on those ideas whilst also evolving. It's twangy and thoughtful with songs that demand you to sing (or shout) out loud, an album that came early in the year and we are yet to stop playing it.
Paul Weller - 66
Picked by Paul
You would think after 17 solo albums you might run out of ideas, but 66 is Paul Weller's most varied album to date. Lush orchestration, disco drums, thumping guitar, jaunty throwbacks, you can never be sure which way 66 will go next. An album made in collaboration with a fleet of artists including Noel Gallagher and Suggs, it seems like Weller isn't quite done yet.
Jack White - No Name
Picked by Justin
Our phone was inundated with calls when this album suddenly dropped and it turns out it was for good reason! Arguably Jack Whites finest work since The White Stripes, it's a back-to-basics rock album with signature riffs and guitar tone and it sounds like exactly what you'd hope.
Akira Yamaoka & Marcin Przybylowicz - Cyberpunk: Edgerunners (Original Series Soundtrack)
Picked by Chris
The show is sensational but the real highlight for us is the soundtrack. Composer from the game the show is adapted from, Marcin Przybylowicz with help from acclaimed composer Akira Yamaoka deliver hard hitting, brutal electronic music that perfectly fits the show but most importantly can also stand as an album on its own merits.